Back when I was doing Dundas week and I was taking pics of my old elementary school, the caretaker was outside having a smoke and asked what I was up to. I told him I was a photographer, about my blog, and how I was capturing Dundas and what better place to start then were I grew up. He thought that was awesome and offered for me to roam the halls of my old school and shoot some pics. It was pretty hit or miss shooting in the school and my time was cut short when the other caretaker didn't think it was such a good idea that I was in there. I told her respectfully that I wasn't trying to get anyone in trouble and was invited in, but she was having none of it. So I thanked one caretaker and apologized to another and was on my way. I wish I could have spent more time in there, especially since there were new additions to the school that I really wanted to explore. I think that these pics will definitely spark a few memories in my friends heads and even remind others of their elementary school days.