Ever since Kidrobot released Futurama figures all I have wanted was a Zoidberg. Tonight, with the last few boxes on the shelf (for those who don't know, Kidrobot figures come in a blind box. This means that each figure is sealed in a silver package and glued shut.) I told Amanda to pick me out a Zoidberg. She told me to look out, closed her eyes, spun around in several circles, reached for the shelf knocking at least three of the boxes on the floor and grabbed one. Now, just the sheer chance that out of 14 possible characters, and no way of knowing what is inside the box, that she some how picked a box containing this marvelous crustacean is in itself amazing! The only question that she raised to me upon seeing the wonders of her voodoo was, "do we use my powers for good or evil?" As long as anytime I want toys she magically makes them appear. . . WHO CARES!

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